Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School Intranet

School Calendar - Upcoming Events

  • Monday 10th of February
    Year 11 Progress Meetings with SLT
  • Year 7 Reports Issued
  • Deadlines
    Year 8: Approach to Learning
    Year 12: ATL
    Year 13: Mock examresults
  • 7:30 Monitoring - SLT Departments METAL
    7:30 - 8:00
  • 7:30 Year 10 to Science Live event in Brighton
    7:30 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 11th of February
    Year 11 Progress Meetings with SLT
  • Wednesday 12th of February
    Year 11 Art Trip
    Tate Britain Gallery
  • 18:00 Year 9 Macbeth live stream
    18:00 - 21:00 Westwood Cross

Word of the Week - Bravery

We have recently added 2 new student written publications - The Lab Report and The CCGS Journal

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