Connecting to Wireless Projection in Halls

Wireless Projection dongles are present in CHS Dining Hall, CHS Assembly Hall, CLA Assembly Hall, and CCVI Common Room.

Connecting to these wireless dongles will allow Staff, Students, and Guest Speakers to quickly connect your device directly to the projector. However you will not be able to transmit audio across in this way when using Chatham dining hall or Sixth form common room.


Start by pressing 'Windows + K' on your keyboard, or searching for 'Projection Settings' in the windows search bar.

A panel will appear in the bottom right of the screen.

Select the device you want to connect to.

The display will ask for a PIN to connect. This will now be projected on screen, you may need to change the source via the projector remote to find this.

Enter the PIN projected on screen to connect.

You will now be connected to the projector, from here you can choose to either Duplicate or Extend your screen.